The particular sensitivities on issues related to the environment and climate change have led Laskaridis Shipping Company Ltd to actively support the Greek participation in shipments to inaccessible and, for this reason, still virgin, parts of our planet.
The Greek flag, for the first time, flies in Antarctica!
Following the support in summer 2021 of the expedition to study climate change, pollution and the marine environment in the Arctic Ocean, the shipping company of the family of the President of the Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation is actively supporting a new mission, this time in Antarctica, where the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute, which has many years of experience in the region, operates, providing access to scientific infrastructure and know-how.
Two researchers from the Technical University of Crete travel to Antarctica, representing Greece in a pioneering scientific expedition with international impact. They are Christina Balomenaki and Efharis Gourounti, architects-engineers and researchers of the Laboratory of Changing Intelligent Environments (TUC TIE Lab) of the School of Architecture of the University of Crete, who will study how architecture can improve living in confined and extreme environments, with applications stretching from space to critical living zones on Earth. We are proud of the Greek women who, despite the adverse conditions, represent our country and lead science one step further!
The two researchers crossed the research vessel “Saints Cyril and Methodius” the Drake Passage – one of the most difficult passages on the planet connecting the southernmost tip of South America (Cape Horn) with Antarctica (South Shetland Islands). They are located on Livingston Island, St. Kliment Ohridski Base, where they will remain for the needs of their research mission until January 18.
The new expedition to Antarctica is carried out with the contribution of the Ministries of Development and Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the Hellenic Polar Belts Company and has as a major sponsor the shipping company Laskaridis Shipping Company Ltd, which covers the travel expenses of the two researchers, the supply of appropriate clothing and equipment, as well as their safety.
Stay tuned!